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Brand Evaluation Framework Framework Guide Getting StartedStage 1Stage 2Stage 3 → Stage 4 → Stage 5

<aside> ⏲️ Estimated Read Time: 8 minutes



Clearing the fog of misconceptions

You might be surprised about what you will find in your results from the Brand Performance Test– and that's the beauty of it! The Brand Evaluation Framework helps you see through the cloud of mystery and misconceptions, providing a clearer understanding of your customers' behaviour and how your brand operates.

A frequent, and often typical, approach is to use averages from the respondents, the top answer given, or a standard formula that has lost its original purpose like Brand Development Index or Net Promoter Score. These standard formula-driven metrics were developed for evaluating the ebbs and flows of mass populations.

The application of the quadrants is not for that. The quadrants are used to identify:

Stage 4 is used to determine if and where there is a Financial Brand Effect in a category and the extent to which your brand can benefit from it. There is always a percentage of the category that purchases for their own reasons that does not overlap with any brand's self defining value proposition.

Being able to determine where and how much the brand's definition matches the category's definition is the key objective of this exercise, especially to determine if it is in a manner that is financially valuable to retain, pursue and acquire.


Extracting data from the quadrants


Finding the axes' midpoint


Analyzing your cohorts


Documenting your analyses


Extracting data from the survey