Brand Evaluation Framework Framework Guide Getting Started Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5

What is the Brand Evaluation Framework?

In today's digital age, brands have different channels of communication, which is resulting in the new need to measure these relationships with the customers and account for fragmentation. The way that brands can be communicated cannot be held consistently as how it was two decades ago.


Brand as a stamp/mark of differentiating between common goods


Brands used to differentiate from common goods


Brands used to convey a promise of a different experience (services became branded)


Society has become so fragmented and able to create their own clusters–people start defining brand as “what it is for me”

Developed by Avasta on top of the ISO 20671: Brand Evaluation Standard, the Framework is a new 5-stage process in financially measuring and evaluating the relationship between your brand and customers in a digital age.

The Brand Evaluation Framework allows you to see:

Who your most valuable customers are and how they actually consume your brand

What quantitative measures to place in order to value the intangible experiences of your brand

Where does the money in the customer base lie amongst different cohorts

What is the behavioural difference between people who are presently buying your brand and those who could buy your brand

Dilemmas your business may be trying to solve:

<aside> 💬 How do we increase revenue during the holiday season?


<aside> 💬 Are male coffee-drinkers over the age of 45 years really our target market?


<aside> 💬 What are the other toothpaste products that consumers are substituting our's with?


Collaborating with your teams

A brand is an entire ecosystem that plays into many departments within the organization. You will learn how to: